I work out 5-6/wk (3 strength training days that top off with 30 mins of cardio and 3 Cardio-only days). I already take isolated whey protein shake after each workout. I've read that Creatine will help me work out more efficiently (more reps, etc)...I've also read about the water retention and water weight gain (doesn't…
After 5 months (months!) of pre-surgery PT, surgery, and post-surgery PT, I'm finally feeling strong enough to start lifting again. I'm even braving the spinning class next week. It's taken me 11 weeks since my surgery (20 weeks since my injury) to get those pedals around. But round and round they are going, and going, and…
Of course...now that I'm less than 15 lbs away from goal, I tore my ACL playing beach volleyball (last thursday). My knee buckled sideways, I heard a pop, pop, pop and next thing I know I'm in an ambulance. On my way to the ER, I found myself crying not because it hurt (which it did like a mofo...thanks, Percocet!) but…