I have noticed everyone raving about the health benefits of Quinoa so my question is what does it taste like? I am a very picky eater so I would like to know what I could compare the taste to so I could get an idea of how to prepare and season it to my pallette.
I have to start doing non weight bearing exercises until I can build the muscle back in my knee. My doctor suggested swimming but there is no way I can fit swimming into my daily routine. He said I could walk slowly, no more hikes for a while and no more riding my bike on the trails just a stationary bike. I felt like he…
Today I went on my first official bike ride on the W &OD Trail and man........my tushy HURTS!!!! 3 miles in I thought I was going to have to call EMS for a butt transplant. I don't have much cushion back there but you guys have to have a magic cure for getting through those rides. I am definitely going to the bike shop and…
The new video game is suppose to be release by the end of this month, will anyone purchase it. I saw the trailer for it and it seems pretty cool, unfortunately for me it is only available on Xbox Live, Playstation Network so I can't use my Wii game console but it does come in the PC version so I may get that instead. Here…
With my crazy schedule, I can only exercise on Tuesdays while my daughter is at cheerleading practice and then I can fit it in again until Saturday and Sunday. If my goal is 3 days a week of exercise does it matter that those 3 days maybe Friday, Saturday and Sunday?
Since I see similar groups for women who are 5'3" or 5'7" I wanted to make sure we didn't get left out soooooooooo my 5'5" women unite :-)