I'm wondering what people's thoughts are on this issue? Do you use one? Why or why not and which one?
I'm curious - with all of the new programs out there, does anyone do P90X anymore? I am thinking about restarting it as I've let myself go and I need to lose a bunch of weight before the end of summer. (I have a couple of endurance events I want to do) I did a search, but did not see anything suggesting that anyone was…
I've searched several times and it does not seem like there is any kind of Insanity Max 30 thread or group - unless I'm just doing it wrong (which I could be). Is this not a popular program among this group? I've already bought it - so - don't need a BB coach to try and sell it to me.
Hello, I am fairly new here - just wondering if anyone has tried hydroxycut and what the results were. I bought a bottle last week - thought I'd see what, if anything it would do besides cost me 20 bucks. I do exercise, and I watch what I eat, so I am not relying on pills - just looking for a little added push. thanks