I've been holding steady around 140-150 lbs at 5'3 for at least a year now, and I go through highs and lows of discipline with getting to the slim, trim, and fit body that I want. I still have fat to lose, but I also really want to gain muscle. I know to lose weight, you need to have a calorie deficit, but to gain, you…
I'm 12 wks pp tomorrow and I finished the 30ds yesterday. I mostly went 30 days straight, I only had to skip 3 days total. Here are my results:
I stayed steady at 144-145 for about 6 months after my husband came home from his deployment, and had managed to be steady there before that also (I fluctuated while he was gone- stress stress STRESS lol). Anywho, a few months ago my weight rolled up to 150, which happens to be my freak out weight. I grew up as a heavy…