Should they be completely cut out or allowed because they have 0 calories? What are your thoughts?
I'd like to lose 2 stone, preferably 1.5 of that in time for Christmas. So two months. Breakfast, lunch and dinner meal plans to reach my goal? I'm always on the go so I'll need to be able to carry meals around. Ill count calories, but I just don't know whether to cut carbs too? Please help. I'll also be exercising. Thanks.
I'm 18. I weigh 12 stone 2 and I'm hoping to lose 2 stone. (28lbs) Id really like someone to be my friend on here who I can support and can support me along this journey. If you'd like to do that please add me and send me a message when I accept! I wish you all luck on your journeys.
Breakfast: handful of strawberries or raspberries I don't have much time for breakfast and am kept busy until lunch so don't get hungry Lunch: quarter tin of Heinz soup or large salad (no dressing, jus lettuce, cucumber and tomato and ham) Again kept busy so won't get hungry. Dinner: fish with veg (broccoli, leak and…