Yeah, we'll, I'm just curious. Some people say to stop drinking them, some people do. I still do.
18! :)
Seriously, not trying to promote anorexia or eating disorders in any way. Just asking for advice on a meal plan. :)
I got about 3 decent answers out of 80. I thought it would be easier to ask for others plans to take inspiration. I'm not retarded, I know I have another thread :) :)
Please stop commenting on my things.
Haha, thanks for the recognition ;) Don't worry, I haven't actually ate this. I eat a lot more trust me and that's when I'm dieting, I just wanted to lose quicker that's all. Thanks for all the comments everyone though, even the jerkish ones. I'm not silly enough to starve myself.
What is your daily plan suggestion then? All I'm asking for is a little help.
I have and it's just under my daily calorie amount. So yes I should consider adding a snack too to reach it. :)
Thank you, this is all I was asking for :)
No no, it's not that it's not what I want to hear. I also haven't been eating like this I asked if it would work. All you have to say is no and give actual advice.
I asked for help basically. Eat more? Fair enough that's all you need to say.
Thanks, and yes I am so busy. Im out of the house 9-10 which is why I need meals on the go and don't have much preparation time.
I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.
I haven't. I'm just curious if I'll meet my goal this way.
I'm not saying busy so I skip meals. I'm saying busy as in I'm not going to snack or binge.