Will I lose weight eating this daily? Any tips?

Breakfast: handful of strawberries or raspberries

I don't have much time for breakfast and am kept busy until lunch so don't get hungry

Lunch: quarter tin of Heinz soup or large salad (no dressing, jus lettuce, cucumber and tomato and ham)

Again kept busy so won't get hungry.

Dinner: fish with veg (broccoli, leak and carrot) or chicken and veg.

Long walk after dinner. Also work out DVD every other day.

For snacks again I'd just have a handful of berries or pineapple.

Thank you!

I'm 18. Weigh 12 stone.5ft5. I'd like to get to 10 stone or 10 and a half stone for Christmas. Will I do it this way?


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    That sounds like a pathetic amount of calories. Please eat more.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Um no. That doesn't even sound like it meets the recommended MINIMUM of 1200 calories. You need to be eating at LEAST that.

    Don't use "busy" as an excuse. We're ALL busy. Work, family, school, activities, parties, LIFE. Make time. Seriously. It doesn't even take me 10 minutes to make lunch or breakfast, and I take the time to weigh all of my food. Point is, EVERYONE is busy. But they all have time to eat lunch, right? If you don't have time for breakfast, it's simple... wake up 10 minutes earlier. You won't miss it.

    Not trying to sound mean or anything, but you know... life. It happens.

    Eat more. Eat in a way that is sustainable for life, not for a short time.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    That sounds like a ridiculously low amount of food and calories. Eat the amount MFP gives you and your exercise calories back, the amount MFP gives you is to lose weight WITHOUT exercise so eating back those burn calories is importants or you will create a very large deficit. Too much on anything is bad for you, including too much of a deficit.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    That sounds miserable and unsustainable in the long run, as well as unhealthy. You will not be able to get all the nutrition your body needs. Tips? Do not do it and set reasonable goals.
  • I'm not saying busy so I skip meals. I'm saying busy as in I'm not going to snack or binge.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    All combined together, you've got yourself one decent meal. How long have you been eating that way?
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    You might lose weight until you got sick of not eating anything and fell completely off your diet, and you'd probably be pretty irritable leading up to that point because you would be hungry.

    You know how MFP tells you a calorie goal? Eat that. Not less.
  • I haven't. I'm just curious if I'll meet my goal this way.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Start counting calories. Don't just choose certain foods and stick to them. And seriously, you need more calories than the ones in this plan.
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    That sounds like a pathetic amount of calories. Please eat more.

    ^ This....you need to eat more.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    1. not enough calories
    2. not enough protein
    3. not enough fat
    4. no variety = BORING
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You will lose weight, but you could also lose weight on the twinkie diet. Does that mean that your plan or the twinkie diet is a good one? Absolutely not.

    Also, weight loss does not fit into a time frame. Focus on losing weight in a healthy fashion please.
  • For reference i am 8 stone 2 (114.2lbs) and i eat about three times that and still lose... You need to eat more food
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    I haven't. I'm just curious if I'll meet my goal this way.

    Yes, but you won't be able to sustain it for very long. Bottom line, you need to be eating more than that to live a healthy and active life. In addition to eating more, try adding in healthy snacks like nuts and maybe making a protein shake or two throughout the day (if you're so busy).
  • Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.

    You want a tip? Eat more than what you said. It's only negative to you because it isn't what you want to hear.
  • I haven't. I'm just curious if I'll meet my goal this way.

    Yes, but you won't be able to sustain it for very long. Bottom line, you need to be eating more than that to live a healthy and active life. In addition to eating more, try adding in healthy snacks like nuts and maybe making a protein shake or two throughout the day (if you're so busy).

    Thanks, and yes I am so busy. Im out of the house 9-10 which is why I need meals on the go and don't have much preparation time.
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.

    You want a tip? Eat more than what you said. It's only negative to you because it isn't what you want to hear.

  • I asked for help basically. Eat more? Fair enough that's all you need to say.