Will I lose weight eating this daily? Any tips?



  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    I don't think anyone is being negative. I think you asked a question and the answer you got was not what you wanted to hear.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.

    Sweetie-- Please understand that sometimes truth is not what you want to hear. This above is truth, not negativity. There is a unanimous feeling that you are eating in a dangerous and unsustainable manner. Doesn't that tell you something? :flowerforyou:

    P.S.: You are eating in a dangerous and unsustainable manner. Please be healthier about this for your own sake. That is the TIP that everyone is giving you- please take it.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Breakfast: handful of strawberries or raspberries

    I don't have much time for breakfast and am kept busy until lunch so don't get hungry

    Lunch: quarter tin of Heinz soup or large salad (no dressing, jus lettuce, cucumber and tomato and ham)

    Again kept busy so won't get hungry.

    Dinner: fish with veg (broccoli, leak and carrot) or chicken and veg.

    Long walk after dinner. Also work out DVD every other day.

    For snacks again I'd just have a handful of berries or pineapple.

    Thank you!

    I'm 18. Weigh 12 stone.5ft5. I'd like to get to 10 stone or 10 and a half stone for Christmas. Will I do it this way?

    I hope you know that staying busy and not getting hungry are not related at all. You probably won't lose much before Christmas, because what you are doing cannot be sustained at all. Sooner or later you will have to eat.
    Also you are 18 and with all due respect what you are doing is crazy and shows an absolute lack of knowledge of health and nutrition.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.
    You've gotten truthful responses; just not what you wanted to hear.

    The answer is yes, you will lose weight, but you likely will not like how you look when you get to goal. You will likely lose a LOT of muscle mass doing this, so you will still end up with a fair amount of body fat, you will just weigh less. In addition, you will likely feel tired, cranky, and possibly be more susceptible to binges.

    The best advice you've gotten is EAT MORE. Set a moderate deficit and eat to your calorie goal including foods that may be higher calorie content. If you don't have time for breakfast, make overnight oats and take it with you to work. Make your meals on the weekends and freeze in individual servings (do it yourself frozen meals). Not having time isn't an excuse.

  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.

    This is not a completely friendly website... there are some major jerks out there. However I think people here are trying to help you understand you're eating too little and their words and advice come out of concern. Some people don't sugar-coat things the way others do, and it may sound harsh but it's just because people are concerned and don't want so see you make yourself sick.
  • No no, it's not that it's not what I want to hear. I also haven't been eating like this I asked if it would work. All you have to say is no and give actual advice.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.

    There's no negativity here, those things actually happen to people who cut their calories to drastically.
    Everyone here is trying to help you, and the truth is that amount of food is not even close to enough.
  • Okay easy on the go food to up your calories...

    Hard boiled eggs
    greek yogurt with dried fruit or nutsadded
    protein bars (quest is my favorite)
    Snack pouches of guacamole and pita bread
    snack tubs of peanut butter and an apple
    Protein shakes
    granola in a bag mixed with dried fruit and nuts
    hummus and carrot sticks

    Add about 4 of those choices to your day
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I haven't. I'm just curious if I'll meet my goal this way.

    Yes, but you won't be able to sustain it for very long. Bottom line, you need to be eating more than that to live a healthy and active life. In addition to eating more, try adding in healthy snacks like nuts and maybe making a protein shake or two throughout the day (if you're so busy).

    Thanks, and yes I am so busy. Im out of the house 9-10 which is why I need meals on the go and don't have much preparation time.

    If you don't have much prep time then can you set aside some time on your time off to make a bunch of grab and go meals? Breakfasts can be made ahead of time and then frozen or stored in the fridge until the morning you need them. I premeasure snacks and trail mixes into ziplock baggies to stash by the door so I can grab them on my way out the door. Keep fresh fruits and veggies on hand, cleaned and sliced, to munch on.

    Will you reach your goal eating so little? It really depends on your goal. If you want to be fit, healthy, have lots of energy, and look great then undereating probably isn't going to help.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.
    The title of your thread is "Will I lose weight eating this daily?"
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Are you able to get up 10 minutes earlier to give yourself time for a decent breakfast? Even some yogurt or a piece of toast with peanut butter, an apple with your berries, oatmeal, something more substantial to start off your day.
  • krmullig
    krmullig Posts: 43 Member

    This will give you an idea of a healthy amount of calories for your body. I know people are coming off as rude, but it's really because VLC (very low calorie) diets are VERY dangerous and unsustainable. Visit the site and you'll have a better idea of what your calories are. It'll also help with your macros. Make sure to eat protein and fat as well :). Hope this helps at all. Like others have said, this is a life change, so enjoy it!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Okay easy on the go food to up your calories...

    Hard boiled eggs
    greek yogurt with dried fruit or nutsadded
    protein bars (quest is my favorite)
    Snack pouches of guacamole and pita bread
    snack tubs of peanut butter and an apple
    Protein shakes
    granola in a bag mixed with dried fruit and nuts
    hummus and carrot sticks

    Add about 4 of those choices to your day

    These are great suggestions! Peanut butter on apples is delish. :-)
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Realistically you are unlikely to lose 2st by Xmas (11 weeks away I think). You are not massively overweight so are likely to lose around a 1lb a week maximum eating at a healthy deficit. Set yourself a realistic target and eat a minimum of 1200 cals a day net (ie eat back your exercise cals). For fitness do cardio and some strength training so you don't lose muscle as well as fat. The food you listed in your first post is not enough and even if you reached your target by starving yourself, as soon as you went back to eating normally you'll pile the weight back on plus more.
  • amie709
    amie709 Posts: 99
    Here is a quick answer-try to figure out (MFP has a claculator) how many calories you need to maintain and how many to lose weights. divide that by 5-6 and aim for eating 5-6 times a day to add up to those calories. Some people try to keep all of those about the same cals. some try to eat less calories at the end of the day and more at the beginning. But eating 5-6 times usually works well for people because you get less peaks and valleys in your blood sugar during the day so less tired feeling less rundown and potentially better calorie burning.
  • Okay easy on the go food to up your calories...

    Hard boiled eggs
    greek yogurt with dried fruit or nutsadded
    protein bars (quest is my favorite)
    Snack pouches of guacamole and pita bread
    snack tubs of peanut butter and an apple
    Protein shakes
    granola in a bag mixed with dried fruit and nuts
    hummus and carrot sticks

    Add about 4 of those choices to your day

    Thank you, this is all I was asking for :)
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    No no, it's not that it's not what I want to hear. I also haven't been eating like this I asked if it would work. All you have to say is no and give actual advice.

    This site IS a calorie counter... Why don't you put what you plan to eat into your diary and see how many calories it actually is. If the food you entered is within your goal then yes you will lose weight. If not then no you will not lose weight.
  • No no, it's not that it's not what I want to hear. I also haven't been eating like this I asked if it would work. All you have to say is no and give actual advice.

    This site IS a calorie counter... Why don't you put what you plan to eat into your diary and see how many calories it actually is. If the food you entered is within your goal then yes you will lose weight. If not then no you will not lose weight.

    I have and it's just under my daily calorie amount. So yes I should consider adding a snack too to reach it. :)
  • What is your daily plan suggestion then?

    All I'm asking for is a little help.
  • xxmarysmxx
    xxmarysmxx Posts: 199 Member
    Sure you'll meet your goal...but your hair will fall out, your periods will stop, you;ll be tired and cranky. Being 18 your body is STILL developing and the last thing you want to do is detroy it. Eat healthy. This isnt a Pro-Ana website.

    I asked for TIPS. I showed you a basic day. This wouldn't be every day. I also thought this was a FRIENDLY website when all I've got is negativity.

    What you have gotten is the hard truth. Start eating...