A colleague of mine is about to embark on a 'diet' that says he will lose 9kg in 13 days. Is this practical? Is it even possible? Is it Dangerous? My answers are No, No and Yes: even if it's 30 days. What do you think?
I don't know what it is, but although I only started my quest to lose weight and improve my fitness 5-days ago, I'm feeling really positive and genuinely believe that I'm going to succeed where I've failed so many times before. Weigh day tomorrow and then every Sunday morning until i've exceeded my goal. Actually, as I…
Hi there, I recently attended a routine pre-op assessment only to be told that for time in my 56 years, I have high blood pressure and I should reduce it before they will operate. Prior to this, I had also been told that I have COPD, early stages, through years of lung abuse by nicotine. Fortunately, I gave up the naughty…