Ketogenic diet while on lithium?
Hi! I don't normally post on the forums, so I'm pretty nervous. I'm bipolar and for that I take Lithmax 600mg and Nozinan. I just have two questions... is it safe to go on a Keto diet while on lithium (lithmax 600mg)? If that won't work, is it safe to just low carb it? I've tried searching the internet and asking my…
Looking for bipolar friends
Hi everyone! I have bipolar disorder and I am looking for friends like me on MFP please send me a request! Thanks
Binging and Purging - One of many Consequences
Hi all, I Haven't posted or introduced myself in this group yet but im pretty standard with a few exceptions. I have bipolar disorder, I have a food addiction. I am taking meds for my bipolar which help, when I dont puge....my overconsuming food is overy part of my life, its all I do. I think about food all the time, I…