For me becoming a "downsizer" I must BURN 1000 c a day!! I've placed postings ON AND IN my Fridge: " BURN 1000 C A DAY - GOAL 175 BY OCT"! Here are my themes to accomplish these goals: A song lyric from WildThing by Tone-Loc: ''LETS DO IT' !; A song title by Bon Jovi "IT'S MY LIFE' ; and NIKE'S motto: "JUST DO IT" .
Anybody have a suggestion as to which FITBIT to purschase? I'd like to use it for tracking steps/excersise etc. Nothing over $125 and easy to operate.
I'm extremely on a high today :bigsmile: Let me explain very briefly. What was it that made me come to my final decision to change my life? 1) When my EXTRA FAT clothes no longer fit! 2) I could not sleep through the night without attempting to roll over, I had to lift and roll, to change my sleeping position AND felt my…
Well, I've been out for a number of reasons (yes excuses but real excuses). Bottom line is I can start walking again with very minimal pain/ I'm glad to be back on the "wagon". I've been looking at WLS for the past 8 months and since I have to see a registered dietian for at least 6 months I've decided to go back using…
Anne Howe's Lasagna style veggies (This hits the spot when your craving some kind of tomatoe sauce dish) 12 servings (1 cup ea) 118 calories per serving 5 grams of fat per serving Equipment you'll need : 1 Cookie Sheet 1 Large mixing bowl 1 9 X 13 (or larger) Glass Dish Pre-heat oven on broil ( use middle rack) Broiling is…
Anne Howe's Baked Vegetables (lasagna style - minus the noodles) 12 servings (1 cup ea) 118 calories per serving 5 grams of fat per serving Equipment you'll need : 1 Cookie Sheet 1 Large mixing bowl 1 9 X 13 (or larger) Glass Dish Pre-heat oven on broil ( use middle rack) Broiling is for the sliced eggplant only. Shake…