Healthy Easy Meals?
Hey Guys. I feel like I have been eating the same few meals on a rotation. Any suggestions for quick easy healthy meals? I try to do three main meals and then two snacks. No simple carbs. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Introducing Myself
Hi Ladies, Just introducing myself. I'm Dana, here to lose about about 30 pounds, I have 3 young children, my husband is a police officer. We are a busy family and between being mom, wife, and a teacher I have been slacking on taking care of myself! I look forward to seeking advice and motivation from you guys and offering…
Sarcastic Heifer
Hey Ya'll, So, this is like, my 4th try at this dealie. For some reason I finally feel the motivation to take this seriously this time. My best friend, who is slightly heavier than me was prescribed adipex and a pretty strict diet by her doctor. She is following it to the letter. I'm jealous of her dedication. I'm jealous…
Picky Eater
Hey Guys, I'm a pretty picky eater. How do you make sure you get all your veggies/enough protein and don't OD on carbs when you're a picky eater? Any ideas on how to hide veggies in certain foods? Thanks!
No appetite?
For some reason, the last two weeks or so, I have had no appetite whatsoever. I never feel hungry. In fact, sometimes I eat and I feel icky afterward. I'm not pregnant (I checked. SCARY! LOL.) and I feel fine otherwise. What gives?
Here we go...I think?
Hey. Yo. Sup? Hi. (I'm not sure of a proper greeting for a forum such as this...) My name is Dana, I'm a 26 year old stay-at-home mom of 2. Married to a cop. (AKA-the guy who sleeps and showers here) I've been pretty fit my whole life, and now I'm not. And it drives me crazy. It's hard for me to get to a gym or exercise…