Accelerate HIIT Treadmill Workouts
Does anyone have any experience with these? I found it while scrolling through Instagram, and signed up for one free workout. I haven't tried it yet (that's tomorrow's goal), but wasn't sure if it was worth paying $40 for the online program. I already subscribe to Beachbody and have a gym membership...$40 seems like a lot…
Running ladies, fashion help!
I've been a runner for over 10 years, on and off, but in the last two, I've gotten more serious. I usually run in athletic shorts; they're pretty loose. Recently, I bought some tights to run in, and while they're light and comfy, I am having an issue with my unmentionables. Namely, horrible lines, since the material of the…
Fitbit Force incorrect mileage
Hello, Fitbit users, I purchased a Force in November, after losing the One I had for over a year. I've been running regularly, and after doing a 1.17 mile loop 3x, my Fitbit reads 2.86 miles. Anyone else have this issue?
Fit Test #4
Am I the only one still doing Insanity???? I'll be honest, I'm only "still doing it" to say I completed it. I do like how I feel after working out, and am looking for something to do after the last two weeks is up. Switch Kicks: 62-80-80-104 Power Jacks: 42-48-45-51 Power Knees: 57-73-88-92 Power Jumps: 25-21-29-34 (I…
Skin Issues with Insanity?
I am Asian and therefore blessed with Asian skin...that is, until a week or so ago. I started Insanity 4 weeks ago (next week is recovery) and a few days ago, I noticed the skin on my face not as smooth - bumpy, rough. I thought it was due to the weather, so continued my moisturizing routine but upped the creme (I have…