Just started an MFP blog
http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/quiltbugj comments and feedback are welcome!
My new blog
I just started a MFP blog to help me stay committed to my goals. Comments and suggestions are welcome! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/quiltbugj
For Greater Glory
We went and saw this last weekend - amazing. We're going to Mexico in August and may actually get to visit the site of one of the martyrs.
Prayers please
I have had a problem with binge eating (not purging) for years. I seemed to be getting a handle on it, but lately it's returned. If you could say a quick Hail Mary or Glory be for these cravings to decrease and I am able to offer them up I would greatly appreciate your prayers. I will also be praying for those in this…