Which one are you using and which one do you recommend??? I need an intervention...
Hey Ladies and Gents, I found this article online and thought I would share.. It has helped me change my outlook on drinking water which I am trying to get accustomed to doing.. I am up to 8 or 9 glasses a day. Drinking Water and Weight Loss by Maia Appleby Don't roll your eyes! The potion for losing that excess body fat…
HEY everyone!!! Just wanted to post my progress so far because some have inquired. I know it is kind of early to give a little feedback but I just have to say that this thing is not as hard as I thought. Monday (yesterday), my body was screaming for help because I am sure it was confused from all of the other junk I dumped…
Hi, My name is Charity and I am on a journey to not only losing weight, but developing healthier choices. I am so excited about this site that my friend Yvette told me about. I was always ok with my weight because I played sports in Middle and High School but after that, I got a desk job which entailed me sitting for most…