Day 2 of my all fruit/veggie week

HEY everyone!!!

Just wanted to post my progress so far because some have inquired. I know it is kind of early to give a little feedback but I just have to say that this thing is not as hard as I thought. Monday (yesterday), my body was screaming for help because I am sure it was confused from all of the other junk I dumped in beyond I had the NERVE to go to Costo right before I ate lunch and if I didn't hold on, I would have spent $300 yesterday when I only intended on spending like $30 because everything with meat and the sweets looked so fresh, good, and ready to be eaten by yours truly. lol

I have my diaries posted publicly if you you want to see what I have been eating, but for the most, salad, potatoes (half cup at a time), and steamed veggies, natural smoothies, and munching on fruit, and drinking lots of water. It is not so bad, so I am expecting a good weigh in on Sunday.

In the morning, I drink a protein shake to get my going. With every meal, I have been taking the Spring Valley - Fish Oil-Omega 3-1000 Mg, 1 soft gels and I take a one-a-day multivitamin in the morning.

As far as energy to work out, I have plenty and don't feel faint after wards.

Although, I am doing ok so far, let's just say being a vegetarian is not my "thing" per se, however, I will try and incorporate more fruit and veggie fasts throughout my whole new lifestyle.