I am taking Armour thyroid, my friend however,,, who has Hashi's. She is taking synthroid, and armour. not sure on the amount of synthroid, the armour is 15mg in the AM and 15 mg in the afternoons. I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of, or is taking this type of combo of meds? I always understood, you take either or,…
Since the first of the year my doc has noticed alot of his patients have had the same effects as I, being on Armour thyroid. Doesn't matter what dose, the effects have not been good. My nubmers from the blood tests have not changed much. I have increased mine 50% and my test results have not changed. So he has ordered my…
I am due to have more bloodwork done for my thyroid, but who takes their Armour Thyroid before the blood is drawn? someone mentioned to me that if I take it before, the tests will be a bit out of wack. What do others think? Any help would be great! Thanks.