Afraid of Success?
I've noticed something lately, and I'm wondering if anyone else has felt this way or had any strategies to get around it. I feel like I'm afraid of success. Here's an example. I've been on week 5 of couch to 5k for ever. At first, it was because I was feeling like it was tough to finish the 5 minute runs. I've worked my…
Daily Menus???
Here's the deal. I get between 1800 and 2100 calories a day, depending on exercise. My trouble is how to divide those calories. I find myself having about 500 every day just to "play" with. Basically, I've planned my meals and snacks, and I'll be hungry enough to eat them, but I haven't planned what to eat with them.…
So Many Calorie Ranges (Help!)
Sorry if this one seems simplistic- I'm starting out, and while I've dieted before, I've never actually counted calories. Some Stats: 238 pounds (yuck!) 5'9" height 25 Years old Exercise 1-3 times per week Right now, I'm set to lose 1 pound per week by MFP- 1860 Calories net per day My BMR- 1890 TDEE- 2601 I started…
What do you wish you knew when you started?
I saw a comment on an earlier thread along the lines of "I wish I knew what I know now when I started"... what is it that you've learned that might help someone (like me) who is just starting. I've lost and gained a thousand times, but it looks like MFP is legit- people seem to be having great success. I've done a variety…