Juicer (non-fasting) tips?
Hey guys! I just got my first juicer today and I love it. Then again I also love pretending that I'm some evil doctor sticking veggies in a wood chipper and consuming their power to gain their strength... but I digress... Anyhow, my plan is to drink 8oz of green juice in the morning and 8 oz at night, right now I'm just…
Does walking work?
So I've been perusing the net trying to get motivation to get back into shape. I rescued a dog from the shelter a few months ago, so I thought the best way to get a head start would be by walking her every day for an hour at a good brisk pace. My goal is to work from 1 hr to 2 hrs, then to jogging or running. I'm…
Numbers not moving
Hey guys, For the first week, I lost 3 lbs. After that, it came to a screeching halt. I exercise by walking daily, or I plan to take up the stationary bike as well. I'm eating less than my allotment every day, mostly fruits and veggies and snacking on fruit throughout the day. But two days ago, I gained back almost two…
Ow my toes!
So lately I've started to walk. Like, a lot (for me). I've gone from walking only to the car and back from work to 5 miles a day. It feels GREAT. My feet don't like it though. The thing that's bugging me is that my toes start to hurt, mostly my second toes (the one right next to the big toe) and it starts to go numb. I've…