Hello everyone! Looking to get together with a few motivational individuals and start working out regularly. Would like to mix it up between Jillian Michael's video's, weights in the gym (Planet Fitness, you wouldn't have to join or pay), running, riding the bike (I have an extra one too), aerobics, pilates, yoga, etc.…
Hello everyone, I would love to build a small support group. Motivation has proved to be the most critical factor in this venture for me. Anyone looking for support or even someone to talk to, send me a quick note or a friend request. Be strong everyone!
Good Afternoon Everyone, I'm mid thirties and looking for whatever help I can find in losing weight. LOVE to eat, thus my problem. Trying to love working out now, having a bit of a struggle getting past being tired. Happy to have been referred to this site by my buddy NGlenn, thank you hon! Anyone in or near Brooklyn,…