Quick, packable lunch ideas needed!
I'm sick of sandwiches and I'm trying to stay away from frozen meals, but they are so easy to grab in the morning. I'm packing for myself and getting three kids ready for school. You guys always have the best suggestions!
Shopping for a jogger stroller
Any suggestions? My child is 50 lbs. I've seen some that go up to 75 lb. capacity, but she probably won't stay in it that long. Actually, she would rather not ride at all, lol, but keeping up with her is a nightmare! I'd like it to be sturdy, but not bulky.
Forcing myself to eat 1200 calories
A week ago I never imagined that I would have this problem, but within the past few days, I have literally had to force myself to take in 1200 calories, usually late in the evening. Last weekend I was excercising just to earn additional calories, lol! I have made a few changes in my diet and I've found foods that are…