This is my first week back on the wagon. I always do this to myself, do really good during the work week, but when the weekend comes it all goes down the drain, then I feel like I am starting all over again come Monday. Food and alcohol are my biggest vices when I am bored at home. Hopfully someone has same problem or…
I must admit I am a carb lover. It is what I crave. In this journey I am trying to find healty alternatives for my addiction and something that my skinny husband and 5 year old will eat. My one year old will eat anything. Last night I made dinner for my family, spagetti was on the menu. I used a spagetti squash for my…
I have tried this before, but never but 100% into it. I want to lose this baby weight........from 6 years ago and finally be that hot mom and wife I know is in there.