Does your 8 glasses of water have to be water??!
Any reason why your 8 glasses of water a day has to be just water? Can diluteable squash(the no added sugar type) be added to make it more pleasant or does this ruin everything!!
Is there any evidence to suggest that using a vibroplate burns any calories and if so, how many??
Failure stories for a change!
Anyone willing to share their failure stories for a change? the success stories are great but honestly, is there no one out there who has flopped on MFP, given up or just can't can't get started? You can't all be perfect and lost hundreds of kilos!!
Can you make progress on MFP without excercise?
Hi, Is anyone out there watching their food intake alone and not excercising. What are people's experiences of this? Is it possible to make progress by diet alone? In case you haven't guessed, i hate excercise!!
Scandanavian Crime
I'm a major fan of scandanavian crime but think i've exhausted most authors at this stage. Can anyone recommend anyone other than the following: Steig Larsson, Asa Larsson, Henning Mankell, Jan Costin Wagmer, Arnalder indridisson, Per Wahloo, Karin Fossum and Ake Edwardson!! Thanks