I've lost weight and don't look as good as I used to
I've strugged with my weight ever since I got put on the pill 10 years ago due to endometriosis. My first attempt at weight loss was after a 2-3 years or so of being on the pill. I went on the South Beach Diet. I lost all but 10 of the pounds I wanted to loose, decided to go back to eating foods that weren't on the South…
Workout Fail
I've been trying to workout 2-3 times a week for the past 4-5 months since I've gotten a free gym membership through my job. On most machines I go through anywhere from 7-10 reps of 10 at anywhere from 20 to 70 lbs. Anyway, this work week I only made it to the gym once, so I decided to go out there earlier today -…
Weight Loss & Bra Size
One of the first things I've heard (which apparently doesn't make it true), is that one of the very first places women will loose weight is in their chest and rear, and the last place you will loose it is your belly. Anyway, after loosing 80 pounds (50 with MFP) and going from a size 28 to size 14/16 dress, I went bra…
Overweight & Strength
I am about 45 pounds overweight at the moment (formerly 110 pounds overweight), but still have a body fat percentage of 38%. I started going to the gym since I get free gym membership through my work around four months or so ago. I am astounded by what I see at the gym. There are other women there that are about my build…
Introducing Myself
Just joined this group, so I figured I'd introduce myself. I've been trying to loose weight (again) for about a year now. So far I have lost about 80 pounds (50 with MFP), and have about 45 left to go before I reach my goal weight. I have struggled with my weight since my late teens due to medication that didn't help some…
Fat Free or Full Fat
Just curious what everyone does when it comes to dairy products and trying to loose weight. Do you get full fat cheese, or buy fat free or reduced fat? Why? I've heard conflicting information on which one is actually better for you.
Pelvis Wider Than Hips & The Dreaded "Dip"
Firstly, I am overweight. I have about 45 pounds left to loose, most of which is around my midsection. I know once I loose everything I'm still going to be "skinny fat", which will require more gym time than what I've already put in while in the weight loss process I have noticed, increasingly as I've been loosing more…
Core Exercises
I am an apple shape and have been reading that some of the best exercises for apple shaped people to do are core exercises. I will be the first to say that I have an extremely weak core - I can't even do a sit up, and I'm lucky if I can even get my upper chest off the floor - more often than not I can only get my head neck…
Neck Exercises?
One of the places that I've accumulated fat that drives me crazy the most is my neck fat. I found a few exercises/stretches online that is supposed to help to get rid of neck fat / double chin, but I don't necessarily know if they've done anything other than make me look ridiculous when I'm doing them. I don't think the…
Lost Over Half The Weight, Still Look Fat
I have lost 75 pounds overall, about 50 of which with MFP. I still have about 45 to loose to be at a mid-range healthy weight for my height. I don't have a particular diet per say. I kind of eat whatever with an emphasis on moderation and trying to be healthy most of the time. I eat mostly fish, poultry, veggies and whole…
Dieting and Vacation
I'm trying to loose weight, like many here, and will be going on vacation next month. I don't want to undo all of my work with loosing, bud I'd like to have a good time too and not be resigned to salads all the time. We're intending on hitting the theme parks, so I should be doing a lot of walking while I'm there (I've…
Skipping Meals Help
First off, I want to say off the bat that I know it is very bad to skip meals, especially if you are wanting to loose weight like I am. However, I have a CT scheduled tomorrow and I can't have anything to eat after midnight tonight. My CT is set to go off late morning / early afternoon, so by the time I get out of there…
Goal Weight, Still Look Fat
I've been battling weight for a while and several years ago I was on the South Beach Diet. I did really well and lost most of my excess weight. I was five pounds away from my goal weight before I fell off the bandwagon and ended up gaining it all back and then some. One factor of why I think I fell off the bandwagon is the…
Carry Weight Around Midsection, Abs are Shot
I am overweight and seem to carry most of my excess weight in my midsection in the form of a pot belly. In addition to loosing the excess weight, I'd like to become flat-stomached. I've never had great core strength, even when I was thin. Several years ago (and what was ultimately the beginning of my weight issues) I went…
Do You Count Cleaning as Exercise?
Just curious if anyone counts cleaning as exercise on MFP. Do date I haven't, through I was thinking about it for two things in particular, though I would have no idea how to calculate calories burned for such activities. I have a 75 gallon fish tank, which needs to be cleaned out, gravel vacuumed, and have about a 10-20…
Frustrated: Dieting, Exercising and Still Gaining Weight
Just curious if anyone else has problems with this. I've been dieting, exercising and still have been managing to gain weight. I stay within my calorie goals, and try to stay within my fat, sodium, carbs, protein, etc goals as well. I try to make healthier eating choices, but I do select unhealthy foods as well, as long as…
Tracking Calories Burned
I've been dieting a few months now and to date when tracking calories burned I've only tracked those in which I've gone out of my way to exercise. For example, I'll track calories burned if I go for a walk, or ride on the bike, or go out for my weekly archery shooting. But I won't generally track calories burned for things…