Hey, I've been going at this for a while now, and I feel like I need more people to hold me accountable for this wieght loss journey. I've really been slacking off a lot lately, and sometimes I feel really unmotivated. Which really just boils down to I would like more friends on here. So that I can keep getting inspired by…
I've been really looking into starting a more ketogenic diet, since I've seen some major success from the diet. But I looked up more information on the diet, and I'm confused. While it does say that the weight loss is increased for the first year, it does also have a side effect of fatigue and weakness, and also…
Hey everyone. I'm posting this because I've really been struggling as far as motivation goes, and maybe having some people that are in the same plight as mine might be able to be that person to lean on when I need it. So, here's my story. I began my weight loss journey in December of 2011 after a really rough breakup. I…