a lot of people talk about gaining weight "but it's okay because some of that is muscle gain" after a big workout. no. this is wrong. weight gain from muscle will be over a prolonged period, even a 1 pound gain in muscle will take months due to your body synthesising the material, so you won't suddenly gain 1 or 2 pounds…
i have a prom coming up and, well, basically... i want to look smokin'. so i was thinking of going on a liquid fast/crash diet (whatever you want to call it) before hand to shed those few extra little pounds. before any of you non-believers start having a go at me saying "it's unhealthy" "it's unsustainable" "you'll gain…
is brown rice a good diet food and does anyone know the nutrition values? i don't usually eat rice at all or bread or anything like that but just wondering. is it nice to eat on it's own? i.e. no sauces