I'm a week in to 1,200 cal and still hungry. Probably my brain playing tricks on me. My problem is, I love a big portion of food and if I have a little portion, I feel hard done by! So - are there any tasty, low cal foods? eg. sweet potato? The best meal I have found at the moment is turkey, veg and brow pasta (only a…
Hi Guys, Don't know about you but I find it SO hard to stay motivated. I have 54lb to lose and if I think that it might take me a year to lose it, I just want to cry. So I need motivation. One of the things I look at is me so far. About 4 years ago, I looked like this: Then I lost about 3 stone: Right now, I'm just a…
Hi...new to this site and thought it might help me as I'm really struggling and it's getting me down. I'm a very impatient person and the thought of 50lb to lose at 1/2lb a week is just terrible! Hoping a place to come for support will help as I have to stick to 1,200 a day!! PJB