Hello all i'm not new but been here before a couple of years ago and lost 3 stone! Yep you guessed it I then put it all back on again. This time i'm in need of some extra friends to help me along the way. So if you're an overweight Dad in his early forties or indeed anyone really whos looking for mutual support then please…
Hello everyone, I start work a few mornings a week at 4AM, I do tend to have a cerial before i leave but then I dont eat anything until around 1PM and when i do im very hungry and grab anything fast and easy on my way home from work and mostly thats not healthy, I then spend the afternoon feeling very hungry and often grab…
Hi everyone, hope you don't mind me posting here, im unsure of rules and site etiquette yet but will learn fast. I am looking for new friends and supporters on here, been really struggling with my hands for many years now, that is to say they just wont stop shuvving food into my mouth, as a consequence ive got fat!!! In…