by Dr. Jason Fung is an informational blog. What is your experience with calorie cutting as primary methos of weight loss?
We're almost through 2020. What a year. In 2021 I want to look back with 2020 vision at this incredible year and still be thankful. I seem to want to start something new in the fall of the year. Maybe a last ditch effort to accomplish goals for the year.
Follow through. Focus. Consistency. Dedication. Determination. Tenacity. One thing at a time. One step after another. Even a turtle will finish the race when he keeps going.
Do you have a lot of stuff dragging you down? I do. Today I'm getting out all my clothes. I'm piling them and sorting them by coats, dresses, skirts, slacks, tops, under garments. I'm going through them one by one and only keeping those that give me joy right now. I'm going to discard all that don't give me joy right now.