I did a workout this evening on a stationary bike. I entered my weight, height ,age and gender and it estimated my calories. I am 62kg, 19 years old, 174cm and female. I biked for 30 minutes working reasonably hard. I kept revs between 90-100 and it said I went ~17km. I had it on a medium gear setting. After my workout it…
Heya, I was wondering if anyone has experienced this; just being overly tired after you exercise, not fatigued straight after but just sleepy.. for hours afterwards. I worked out today for just over an hour early afternoon and its now evening and since I got home from my workout I've been super sleepy and haven't been able…
Firstly, sorry for the spam also this could be a bit of a stretch! But, the Olympic Pools in Newmarket are running a promo starting Monday where you can get 2 for 1 memberships. Which works out to be $14.50 each a week. They have a pool, sauna, spa pool, heaps of group fitness classes and TVs on EVERY exercise machine, and…
Heya MFPers! Im a 19 year old female, in my second year of university. I am 5'9" and I started my weight loss journey mid January, starting at a mildly-chubby 152lb, I am now down to 137lb. My goal is around 127lb but I realize as I get closer to my goal I should be worrying less about the scale and more about the mirror…