:sad: First, to start off let me aplologize for complaining so much its just that this is the only place where I feel like I can talk and not be judged. Well after coming out to my family everyone stoped talking to me except for when they had the need to offend me. My mom told me she was emberessed of me and my sister told…
Yesterday my family found out I am bisexuaul and of course they did not react very well. My mom told me that she did not want me to go to hell for that and that how did I fall so low. She told me so many things that hurt me. I told them I can't be near them anymore because I feel hurt and my brother told me that if my…
I decided I would talk to my 8 year old daughter today because I wanted her to know the truth. When I told her about my relationship she said mom that doesn't matter to me if you are happy but I noticed in her eyes that she felt sad or something so I asked her wht was wrong and she just kept telling me nothing. After a…
As I had mentioned in another post recently, just a few months ago I told my sister that I was in a relationship with a girl and this brough a lot of probles between us. Today I received 14 text messeges from her (my sister) telling me how I am such a bad mom for even thinking of doing this to my daughter and how she…
I have an 8 year old daughter, her dad died 5 years ago and I had not dated anyone since then. I met a girl who I fell in love with and my daughter really likes her too. I decided I would tell my sister because she has always been my best friend, when I told her she got so mad at me, she told me she was disgusted by me…