Having a super rough day and I'm an emotional eater all I want to do right now is binge eat... and because of that I'm starving myself so I don't binge eat... please help. I wish I had someone to slap me and give me perspective!
1 frozen banana 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk 1tbls all natural peanut butter Mix together in food professor or blender 1 serving is 213 calories or 2 is 106 calories I sometimes add dark chocolate chips or almonds to spice it up.
1 cup 0% fage greek yogurt 1oz shredded medium cheddar cheese 1-2cups sauteed spinach 6-9 cloves roaste garlic (bake for 10-20mins) Mix yogurt an garlic well add in seasonings of choice I use salt pepper and cumin sometiimes chili poweder. Add in spinach and cheese(save a little for the top) bake for 15-20mins
Hey all, I am in definite need if motivation to keep eating clean and staying active! I have a 4 yeal old son and just had my daughter 5 weeks via c-section. I gained 30lbs during my pregnancy and I've lost 20 so far im 160 now but want to get down to about 130. I try very hard to stay away from all processed foods and…