I finished my 1st 30 days of TurboFire yesterday! Yea! And I weighed and took my measurements. I lost 10lbs and 5.25 inches, 2.5 of those inches off my hips alone (my hubbs pointed this out)! So if I (time crunched, new mom, sweets lover) can do it, ANYONE can! Message me if you want to join me on this journey, I'm always…
Hey everyone! Thought this might be something you could use. As some of you already know, I'm a librarian. So I read, A LOT. And a lot of it is about health and fitness. I have dedicated my twitter account to a blend of health/fitness/weight loss topics with a little parenting thrown in. I'm on my own weight loss journey…
Any TurboFire users out there? Maybe other Beachbody users? I'm doing TurboFire--I started it last week--and was looking to make some friends to all hold each other accountable. :)