Interested in your thoughts here - a new study suggests a potential biological component to obesity. News article: Actual study (I haven't looked for a free version, but the abstract is there...):…
I have 9 chickens who recently began laying eggs. We are getting 9 eggs every. single. day. I have 4 people who live in my house (but also 2 dogs and 3 cats). I am looking for recipes and/or ideas regarding what to use the eggs for. I think my neighbors and local family are also overwhelmed with all the eggs.... I suppose…
I just found this group! I'm so glad! Hi, I'm an injured distance runner who (thanks to injury) has mostly switched to biking. Have always had a mountain bike, but recently have been doing much more road biking, so yesterday picked up (and got fitted on) my new road bike with clipless pedals and shoes (henceforth known by…