Wondering if someone can clarify something for me. I understand the whole calories thing so that I have 500 calories left over each day in order to lose one pound a week. I have been keeping close track of my cardio and the calories burned along with my regular calories - not sure if I have worded this clearly. My question…
I have a whole bunch of recipes that I have clipped, tried and liked and still to try. I would like to put them all on my computer in one spot. Does anyone have a recipe software program that they like and can recommend? Thanks. Lori
I walk 3 miles a day. I wear a Heart Rate Monitor. The route I take has many hills and flat areas. So depending which way I walk I will have steep or gradual inclines, followed by flat street and then some steep or gradual declines. I try to stay within the zone (60%-70%) as much as possible but depending on whether or not…
Just wondering how people post on the exercise journal their yoga and their pilates. I see that there yoga in the database but not pilates. Can I assume that pilates uses the same amoutn of calories per workout as yoga does? How do other journal it. Thanks. Lori
I have just bought a heart rate monitor to help me with my walking. It seems easy to set up and for the most part is is self expanatory except for one thing: there is no explanation on what the numbers mean for the recovery heart rate? I can set my monitor to determin my recover heart rate at either one minute or two, but…