Lady Runners (the more well endowed ones, please)....
I have been running in the mornings, and they aren't terribly long runs. Between 3 and 4 miles, and part of that is warm up walking. I wear a HRM with chest strap. I have the T31, I believe it is, strap from Polar that the transmitter snaps on to. I wear a very good sports bra with lots of [tight] support. I don't feel my…
44 healthy foods under $1
Saw this on tumblr, and loved it... http://walkrunlose.tumblr.com/page/99 Protein 1. Oats, $0.13 per serving, about $1 per pound (in bulk) Take a tip from Mr. Ed. Oats are high in fiber, low in fat, and may even help lower cholesterol. What’s not to love? Enjoy a bowl of oatmeal, substitute for flour in cookies, or even…
Jogging stroller recommendations...
For those of you with children-don't buy Joovy. I got a Joovy Zoom 360 jogging stroller a couple months ago, and I was really excited. It pushes wonderfully--until I try to use it jogging. When the wheel locks into place, it pulls HARD left. So hard that the last time I took it out, my right shoulder and arm ached for a…