Weekend Mayham
Like many the weekends are my downfall. July 4th weekend I had so many things planned and knew my calorie counting would go out the window. I was okay with that since I figured it would be one weekend. Of course that weekend ending up being so much worse than I had thought in my head. Tuesday I got back to work and hoped…
Getting Started... Again
So this time last year I was down to 149 lbs and quite happy with myself. In the past year I have steadily been gaining weight (all while in denial). I stopped weighing myself at a point because it didn't motivate me, just upset me. Well after seeing my very big stomach in a swimsuit I decided to step back on the scale and…
Low Carb October
So in honor of my new goal: 20 pounds in 5 months I'm going to start off October with my Low Carb October Challenge. My goal will be to eat a low carb diet all 31 days of october, however my low carb will not include cutting out carbs from fruits, etc but from white processed grains - ie: white bread, white rice, etc. My…
fruits and sugars
Just a quick question: Every time I eat fruits; grapes, apples, pears, anything - my sugar goes hella over. Should I just ignore the fact that it's so far "over" because it's fruit sugars and not bad candy sugars? Also, I don't know much about fruit sugars... are they good? bad? moderate? have no meaning really? Any help…
Giving Blood
Hey y'all! So tomorrow I will be giving blood (yes, I am a little nervous but I love giving blood cause it makes me feel so useful). So... I'll be giving it between 12 to one in the afternoon. I usually go to the gym at 4 and a kickboxing class at 6. What should I do? At first I thought I'd go to the gym at 4 and do a…
Kickboxing class (advice?)
Hey everyone! I just started back up on MFP yesterday, but so far so good. And I know 2 days isn't a long time but I'm proud of myself. So YAY ME! Anyway!! Today I took this kickboxing class and it was 60 min. But the last 15-20 we just did abs, so I searched for kickboxing and this option came up with karate, kick boxing,…