im taking 48 hour acai berry liquid detox. it says to eat light, but how light is that. look at my food diary today. is this to much food. is it to heavy.. and does this detox really work?
i have sprained ankle, splint, an cruches. what can i do for work out!?
i need to figure out my food diary. i know when i go to database i type in and it wil give me foods and the ingredients but when i try to go to my food the search comes up blank! some one help me please
i have tried everything. then one day i got up and something clicked in my brain. it was summer so all i did was workout. i did but an hour then i did a a belly dance then i went swimming. my life was consumed. then i went back to school. started to gain and forgot how mch a lost. it was hard and now i gain just as much as…
i am not sure if i should eat before or after i work out or both. tor what to eat. and on a different note i get hunger headaches and a growling stomach in the middle of night what should i do?