I work in an office with lots of very generous people often bringing in cakes, biscuits & pastries .... These are all obviously loaded with calories but if I really want one I ask someone to share it with me therefore halving the calories, I've been able to continue my weight loss and don't feel at all deprived ....…
So .... Over the years I must have tried every weight loss plan and fad, some worked, some didn't, I've constantly battled with two stone since I was about 21, I've gained and lost that 2 stone more times than I wish to count ..... My youngest child is now two, my family is complete and I'm approaching forty, I want to get…
Im getting married in 9 days and have lost 16 lbs so far with fitness pal, I stick to 1200 calories a day but I'd love to lose another three lbs before the wedding ..... Any tips for a quick boost ?