why every time i exercise my calorie intake goes up? i'm confused because i want to lose weight not maintain or gain and also i have a heart rate monitor with chest strap and it tells me that in one hour and forty five minute walk with the dogs i burned 1249 calories!! so i'm not to sure if its correct but i don't no if i…
i do well all day eat good and and feel well but it seems after we put the kids to bed i want to snack and i know its the worst thing to do eat at night but no matter what it is that we do i feel hungry in the evening ., my wife said to try sunflower seeds so i am going to try that but i would rather just not have the…
hi i'm a 26 year old male wanting to get back to the shape i was in a few years ago i was 160 lbs and now i am 235 lbs i went out and got a hart monitor with calorie counter and chest strap but not to sure how accurate it really is but i guess i will soon find out i don't really think that i could have burnt 1200+ calories…