I've been taking progesterone cream (Source Naturals brand) for a couple of months and found it very useful. However acne has bloomed like a rainforest, mostly on my face of course. I've tried stopping the progesterone cream but the menopause symptoms came back after a couple of days and I can't be having that! I wash my…
Treadmill repair
Can anyone recommend a treadmill repairer in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne who makes house calls? I'm in Mitcham. The machine is out of warranty and when I rang the company I bought it from (Lifestyle on ebay) they said the would take a look at it if I brought it to them, for $250 plus any parts that would be required.
Wrecked baggage
Greetings all, I'm new here. Glad to have found this group. I've already gathered some interesting information and it is good to know I am not alone. Though I still think I may have been hit with the ugly stick more than others! I hate to look in the mirror, I just see this ugly, old, half demented creature staring back,…
Style Diva's :) I love watching these interviews and tableaux of the older women that this guy Ari meets in New York. My life is nothing like theirs but they are often wise and amusing in their observations. For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0TdQi9m-Gs Who and what inspires you?