Body Beast Women
I'm starting Body Beast on September 15, 2014 if anyone is interested in doing Body Beast with me, or even if your already doing it I would love some motivation and support. I also want to know if the ladies that have tried this liked the program, and what were your results. Let me hear it!
T minus 24 hours until T25!
Starting T25 tomorrow, and I'm excited about this as I've sampled some of the workouts already and they equaled amazing calorie burns in such a short time. Who's starting tomorrow, this week, or has already started I'd love more motivation and friends who are doing this one.
Insanity and T25 Challenge group
I am looking for people who want to do Insanity or T25, and would love some motivation, encouragement, and support....Who's in?? If your interested leave me a message or post here.
Starting Asylum soon, I am Committed!!
Ok, I am about to be committed to the Asylum. I have finished two rounds of Insanity,and I am looking to take it to the next level. Is anyone about to start or is already doing it? If you've done it or are currently doing it any advice would be appreciated.
Loving Turbo Fire, in week two!
Hello fellow Turbo Fire Hotties!! I'm two days into my second week, and I absolutely love it Its intense and fast like I love, but its so much fun. I've done two rounds of Insanity and I loved it, but this is so much more addictive. It's getting a little easier, but there are times I feel super uncoordinated still :)…
let's play
I'm in need of entertaining, so commence to telling me your dirty little secrets!!
50 Shades of Naughty
So what's the big deal about 50 Shades of Grey!! Its a great book I am thoroughly enjoying all the yummy naughty fun. Isn't this normal behavior? If its not it should be..lol. I live this life everyday.. Let the discussion begin. Come forward both shy and naughty and the ones that lie ;)
Which one do you prefer when working out!
I Need It!
What??? Everyone has that something they need more than anything else, at the moment I want entertainment from you, so tell me what is it that you need right now ;)
sweet or not?
Am I sweet and innocent or a freak in hiding? You decide ;) which one are you?
its late at night and what are you doing?
Hey peoples...its late im bored and can't sleep and I hate drinking alone, so what are you doing?
Drivin or lettin drive
Do ya like to drive or do you lay back and enjoy the ride? Love the driving myself :tongue:
Who likes it rough?
Just wondering who likes their workout to be hard, rough, and wet? Baaaahahaha and what were you thinking?