I am frustrated. I've been dieting for close to two months and have lost 16lbs. Of course, I am happy to see 16lbs gone but wish it were more. Even more though, I wish you could tell a difference. I am sitting right around 300lbs and you can't tell I've lost a bit of weight. Does it seem that way to others who have a large…
I went to the doctor's office. According to their records I had lost about 15lbs in two weeks. They weigh me on the same scale everytime. According to my scale, I am sitting at about a 10 lb. loss. Which scale should I go by? I'm wondering if my home scale just isn't very precise because I'm a little over 300 lbs, and that…
I am just over 300 lbs and am extremely out of shape. I need some inspiration from someone who has been here. How do I start this excercise journey?