weight converting pleasee help
Please someone can you convert 12st 11 into lbs and 12.2st in to lbs thank you as my daughter and I are having problems as it is saying she has lost only 1lb when she has lost 9lb same as me lol
Left over Calories
I started On Wednesday Officially as I messed up the first two days...I have calories left over from 2 days which totals so far to 601...are we supposed to eat all the calories or is it okay to leave some left over..Im really confused I am on the slim fast which says 1,400 cal a day..I am having weight watcher meals for…
So far so good
I am loving reading the post on this forum..been reading them since last night ..I did sleep lol but my eyes are hurting now
Hi: New and introducing myself
Hi I'm Lynn 37..On here to try and lose weight.I am doing the slim fast/weight watchers plan, only been on it for 2 days and I actually feel I am eating more towards my calorie intake..where before I ate little but too many calories, like take outs..blame my husband for this as never touched them before I met him 9 years…