snowqueen75 Member


  • Thanks everyone.I do not intend on staying on these.Just traiining myself to eat more and smaller portions. I am not hard exercising but only doing physio once a week as I have MS. But I do have a work out dvd that is for people with disability which I can do in my own time as I suffer badly with fatigue ;)
  • I understand how you feel when it comes to the exercise bit, as my walking is not that great..I lose my balance..I do try tho. But unlike physio I have a bar to hold on to where at home I dont. The fatigue makes it worse for me and the heat where I just flop on sofa and stay there!!! Very fustrating as I used to be very…
  • Hi I have Multiple Sclerosis, only exercise I do atm is Physio as I find exercises too much. I am using a ms dvd which is for ppl with disability's to do at home..Its not very strenuous so its really ideal for me...For the bride.I am already married lol
  • Thank you..It is good to have the support ;)