This pic was taken 9/1/12 and is 47 pounds and 22 inches down. I am the one standing on the right side with the glow in the dark shirt. lol This was the first fitness boot camp I attended and it was fun, even if I did sprain my ankle jumping through tires like a young person. I made it to the next to last one at least…
I started out flipping a 350 pound tire, and this morning my trainer had me flip one over 600 pounds. Gosh, I am happy this morning. Even though the scales did not make me smile, flipping this tire did!!!!
Trying this to see if I am doing it correctly. This is me and oldest grandson and I had lost down to about 234 at this time. Now I have to figure out how to get a new pic of me in photobucket and then post it. Sorry while I experiment around with this post.
Hello, I am 66 years old, and live in MO. I started going to WW meetings in Aug, 2010. I have very slowly lost 33 pounds, and now I am really wanting to step it up a notch and get down to business. I began working out with a personal trainer 3 weeks ago, and I see him 3x per week. I am walking 2 miles on the weekdays that…