Nike + fans
Hi there! Just wondering if there are any Nike + fans out there. I started with my boyfriend's wrist band but I bought an iPod Touch the other day and will be getting the new set up for the Touch. I love it! Just wanted to see if there's anyone else out there that loves it too. :)
Loose Skin
Hi, I don't know if this has been talked about or not, but I started at the beginning of June, and although I've lost lots of inches, my weight is basically the same. Also, my skin is getting loose and not tightening. I started at 142lbs, I'm 5'5 so I wasn't very heavy when I started, but now I'm 136ish and I see changes,…
JUNE STARTERS ~ random weekend chats/brags
Hello all, I've just been hanging out, bored, and thought maybe we should have another chat/brag message. This weekend I'm going to the Stampede here in Calgary, which means (I don't know if any of you have been but...) MINI DONUTS, corndogs and bad bad bad carnival/fair food! And I don't even plan on denying myself ALL of…
JUNE STARTERS - Happy Canada Day!
Hello all! I just wanted to share with everyone a Happy Canada Day, whether you're Canadian or not. If it's a "not" then Happy Independence Day on the 4th, or otherwise! Good luck to everyone with keeping in their counts for the weekend and I think maybe we should all weigh in on Tuesday instead of Monday... :laugh: