So, last Wednesday, I was in a car accident. I was REALLY lucky with only a few minor injuries (mostly bruises all up on my legs and some minor whiplash) and, really, all I want is to get back into the gym to work off some stress. However, I went in on Monday and did my normal weight routine (some weighted squats/lunges,…
I'm not going to lie, lately I've kind of sucked. For the past two months I’ve been pretty good about logging, but pretty much sucked otherwise. I was sick with bronchitis and then was travelling for work like crazy, which are all excuses and it’s time to really get back to it. For the next two months I’m going to be…
... my weightloss goal, in any case. I'm growing steadily discouraged and thinking I should just stick to a "not gaining weight while travelling for work every week" goal until I get a new position. I literally travel EVERY WEEK, sometimes my travel days are 14+ hours long and I always fly so bringing a cooler from home or…
Hi everyone! I'm looking for some new friends, motivation, suggestions, whatever... just trying to figure myself out right now. Back in October, I started a new corporate training position where I am on the road either 4 days out of every week or 7 days straight followed by 7 days at home and I am having a kinda rough time…