I know you can use reports to give you a quick glance, but where do I go to find how much I weighed on a specific day. I log my weight daily but would like to know what I weighed last Sunday to see if I lost. Thanks!
I have increased my water intake and am up half of the night peeing it all out! This is good for the scale, but I'm not getting a good night's rest!! What does everyone else do???
I know this is stupid but if it says 4oz of rice...I think of 1/2 a cup. Which isn't much. So is 1/2 cup of rice the same as the food scale saying 4oz's? Me eating at Chipotle brought this question about! When I do the calories for the rice, it says it's for a 4oz serving. I'm pretty sure there's got to be more than 4oz's…