Hi Guys, I'm doing the biggest loser cardio max. so far i'm only doing the warm up and cardio level 1 so far. What would i track that under for the exercise tracker in here???
Hi Ladies! I'm fairly new to this site. I started, but as I dieted and worked out I somehow managed to gain 5 pounds in my first week, picked up my toys and stomped off. But i'm back now. Born and raised in Minnesota. 34 with a soon to be 12yr old son. I've been really unhappy with myself and my weight. I don't know how…
Hi, so i'm going out tonight and miller lite and my gut have decided to end their relationship. So I was looking up margarita's. We're going to chili's. I tracked a couple drinks to see what would cause the less harm. Is an el nino margarita REALLY 540 calories and 540 carbs!?!? those are crazy delicious and it made my…
Hey everyone! i'm 34, engaged, a mom of an 11 year old in minnesota. I'm looking to finally get IN SHAPE. this is my 3rd day. so far so good! YAY! lets hope this feeling don't fade in a month.